Cost-effectiveness of alternative smoking cessation scenarios in Spain: results from the EQUIPTMOD

  1. Trapero-Bertran, M.
  2. Muñoz, C.
  3. Coyle, K.
  4. Coyle, D.
  5. Lester-George, A.
  6. Leidl, R.
  7. Németh, B.
  8. Cheung, K.-L.
  9. Pokhrel, S.
  10. Lopez-Nicolás, Á.

ISSN: 1360-0443 0965-2140

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 113

Pages: 65-75

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1111/ADD.14090 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

Sustainable development goals