Collection of human and environmental data on pesticide use in Europe and Argentina: Field study protocol for the SPRINT project

  1. Silva, V.
  2. Alaoui, A.
  3. Schlünssen, V.
  4. Vested, A.
  5. Graumans, M.
  6. van Dael, M.
  7. Trevisan, M.
  8. Suciu, N.
  9. Mol, H.
  10. Beekmann, K.
  11. Figueiredo, D.
  12. Harkes, P.
  13. Hofman, J.
  14. Kandeler, E.
  15. Abrantes, N.
  16. Campos, I.
  17. Martínez, M.Á.
  18. Pereira, J.
  19. Goossens, D.
  20. Gandrass, J.
  21. Debler, F.
  22. Lwanga, E.
  23. Jonker, M.
  24. van Langevelde, F.
  25. Sorensen, M.T.
  26. Wells, J.M.
  27. Boekhorst, J.
  28. Huss, A.
  29. Mandrioli, D.
  30. Sgargi, D.
  31. Nathanail, P.
  32. Nathanail, J.
  33. Tamm, L.
  34. Fantke, P.
  35. Mark, J.
  36. Grovermann, C.
  37. Frelih-Larsen, A.
  38. Herb, I.
  39. Chivers, C.-A.
  40. Mills, J.
  41. Alcon, F.
  42. Contreras, J.
  43. Baldi, I.
  44. Pasković, I.
  45. Matjaz, G.
  46. Norgaard, T.
  47. Aparicio, V.
  48. Ritsema, C.J.
  49. Geissen, V.
  50. Scheepers, P.T.J.
  51. Show all authors +

ISSN: 1932-6203

Year of publication: 2021

Volume: 16

Issue: 11 November

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0259748 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

Sustainable development goals