La Percepción Emocional del Dinero como Determinante de un Comportamiento de Ahorro o Endeudamiento

  1. Lozano Gutiérrez, Mª Carmen
  2. Fuentes Martín, Federico
EAWP : Documentos de trabajo en análisis económico = Economical Analysis Working Papers

ISSN: 1579-1475

Année de publication: 2007

Volumen: 6

Número: 7

Type: Working Paper

D'autres publications dans: EAWP : Documentos de trabajo en análisis económico = Economical Analysis Working Papers


Presently article is carried out an analysis of affinities in the money perception for people that save or get in debt, in order to know the consequences that have the subjective valuations in relation to the money in the economic behavior characteristic of each group settling down. The conclusions we arrive could be good for the development of strategies of saving promotion and indebtedness contention