Procesamiento automático de fotografías digitales para la obtención de las necesidades de riego de un cultivo hortícola
- José Manuel González Esquiva
- David Escarabajal Henarejos
- José Luis Hernández Hernández
- Ginés García Mateos
- Antonio Ruiz Canales
- José Miguel Molina Martínez
ISSN: 2386-3676
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 8
Pages: 24-26
Type: Article
More publications in: Anuario de Jóvenes Investigadores
With this researching work a novelty system for obtaining the crop cover with easy, unattended and automated procedures from a digital photography has been developed. Moreover the crop water needs are calculated from this photography combined with a mathematical algorithm. The viability of the systems has to be determined estimating the error in the crop coefficient in a lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. ‘Hierro’) orchard. The application is developed in PHP with the IMagick library. This allows installing in a 'cloud computing' service.