Análisis de posiciones competitivas estratégicas de los puertos españoles con tráfico de carga rodada de vehículos
- Jerónimo Esteve-Pérez 1
- Andrea Marín-Onteniente 1
- José Enrique Gutiérrez-Romero 1
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
ISSN: 0020-1073
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: Cruceros · Puertos
Issue: 993
Pages: 71-83
Type: Article
More publications in: Ingeniería naval
The ro-ro cargo group consists of a great variety of goods, among which is the transport of vehicles. Spanish ports play an important role in the logistics of import and export of vehicles in Southern Europe. The analysis of ro-ro cargoes, in this particular case of vehicles, does not have a notable presence in the literature specialised in port logistics and Naval Engineering. In the present work, a dynamic analysis of strategic competitive positions of Spanish ports with car-carrier vessel traffic is developed. For this purpose, a time series of vehicles movements corresponding to the period from 2011 to 2018 is used. Moreover, forecasts are made for this port traffic through the application of simulations with Monte Carlo series. Additionally, this work seeks to determine the characteristic parameters of the call of this type of vessel, such as, average duration, concentration by shipping company and seasonal concentration. The results could be of great interest to practitioners and researchers in the port and shipping sector. Specifically, it provides knowledge on which ports have car-carrier vessel traffic in Spain and to what extent. Also, the operation features of this vessel during the port call are highlighted.