Análisis genético y molecular de Gigantea, un gen implicado en la adaptación al clima a través de la regulación del reloj circadiano en Solanáceas
- Brandoli, Claudio
- Weiss, Julia Rosl
- Egea Gutiérrez-Cortines, Marcos
- Artés Hernández, Francisco (dir. congr.)
- Fernández Hernández, Juan Antonio (dir. congr.)
- Calatrava Leyva, Javier (coord.)
- Alarcón Cabañero, Juan José (dir. congr.)
- Cos Terrer, José (dir. congr.)
- Aguayo Giménez, Encarnación (dir. congr.)
Argitaletxea: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
ISBN: 978-84-16325-29-0
Argitalpen urtea: 2017
Orrialdeak: 197-200
Biltzarra: Workshop on Agri-Food Research for young researchers (5. 2016. Cartagena)
Mota: Biltzar ekarpena
The metabolism, physiology, and also the behaviour of most living beings, profoundly changes between day and night. These biological oscillations happen due to the circadian rhythm, an endogenous clock that regulates most of biological events. In the plant kingdom, one of the genes involved in this important regulation is Gigantea. Although discovered ...