Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Pedro José Blaya Ros (7)


  1. Assessment of plant water indicators for regulated deficit irrigation management in sweet cherry

    Proceedings of the 6º Workshop de investigación agroalimentaria ( WiA 2017): Cartagena, 8 y 9 de mayo de 2017

  2. Evaluación de indicadores de estrés hídrico en planta para el manejo del riego deficitario controlado en cerezo

    Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Agri-food Research. WIA.17

  3. Soil and plant water indicators for deficit irrigation management of field-grown sweet cherry trees

    Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 208, pp. 83-94


  1. Effect of regulated deficit irrigation on yield and fruit quality during shelf life of sweet cherry

    10th FRUTIC symposium: quality and safety of fresh horticultural commodities: Berlín 7 de febrero de 2017

  2. Estimación del potencial de tallo a mediodía en cerezo a partir de variables meteorológicas y de suelo

    XXXV Congreso Nacional de Riegos