Communications dans un congrès (10) Publications auxquelles un chercheur a participé


  1. A study of the wear behavior of nanocrystalline titanium created by large strain machining

    Proceedings of STLE/ASME International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC 2006

  2. Computerized design of worm gear drives with improved conditions of meshing and bearing contact

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Design Engineering Division (Publication) DE

  3. Computerized design of worm gear drives with improved conditions of meshing and bearing contact

    American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Design Engineering Division (Publication) DE

  4. Copolimerización: una herramienta para controlar las propiedades de polímeros conductores

    Perspectiva de la investigación sobre materiales en España en el siglo XXI

  5. DNC method for flatness reduction by machine tool error compensation in planing processes

    Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, Vol 4

  6. Influence of wave shape on the impact of shallow-water waves on vertical walls

    Proceedings of ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 2006, FEDSM2006

  7. Modeling and analysis of a power transmission system. Influences in tooth contact analysis of the gears

    Proceedings of 8th Biennial ASME Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, ESDA2006

  8. Numerical study of air entrapment mechanisms during the filling of a rectangular plate cavity in high-pressure die-casting processes

    3rd International Conference “High Tech Die Casting 2006”

  9. Study of stress and geometry during the manufacturing of joint bellows by FEM

    Materials Science Forum

  10. Thermo-mechanical modeling of the cooling process during thixoforging of fiber reinforced light metal composites

    Solid State Phenomena