Artikuluak (7) Ikertzaileren baten partaidetza izan duten argitalpenak


  1. Emulation of the animal muscular actuation system in an experimental platform

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol. 1, pp. 64-69

  2. Integrating a low-power objective into the placement of macro block-based layouts

    Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 62-65

  3. Learning from noisy information in FasArt and FasBack neuro-fuzzy systems

    Neural Networks, Vol. 14, Núm. 4-5, pp. 407-425

  4. New approaches to model electric demand in aluminium smelter industry

    Conference Record - IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society), Vol. 2, pp. 1426-1431

  5. Numerical simulation of welds of thick steel sheets for some experimental models towards ITER TF coil case

    Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol. 58-59, pp. 231-236

  6. Reference architecture for robot teleoperation: Development details and practical use

    Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 9, Núm. 4, pp. 395-402

  7. Robust controller design for uncertain systems with variable time delay

    Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 9, Núm. 9, pp. 961-972