Conference papers (27) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Analysis of the impact of droplets onto water films in drift eliminators

    8th lnternational Conference on Multiphase Flow 2015

  2. Application of LMS method to solve non-dynamics of cable equation, coupling with second order wave solver and application on offshore structures

    Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering, CMN 2015

  3. CFD modelization of Legionella’s atmospheric dispersion in the explosive outbreak in Murcia.

    17th IAHR International Conference on Cooling Tower and Heat Exchanger

  4. Capacidades del Túnel Aerodinámico del Centro Universitario de la Defensa de San Javier

    III Congreso nacional de I+D en Defensa y Seguridad

  5. Coefficient estimation in the dynamic equations of motion of an AUV

    Sixth International Workshop on Marine Technology, Martech 2015

  6. Comparative study of the use of compact heat exchanger or a fin-and-tube coil in a heat pump

    Refrigeration Science and Technology

  7. Could the self-similarity exponent be an useful feature extraction method for electroencephalographic (EEG) signals in Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs)?

    International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity Caracter

  8. Cálculos de las emisiones producidas por una torre de refrigeración (arrastre y PM10). Protocolo de ensayo y discusión normativa

    3rd Iberian Meeting on Aerosol Science and Technology, RICTA 2015

  9. Detección de errores extensivos como mejora de la enseñanza de la Ingeniería

    Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior: libro de resúmenes XI FECIES

  10. Effects of the aeration on the fluid dynamic behaviour of a multi-zone activated sludge system

    8th lnternational Conference on Multiphase Flow 2015: Valencia, del 20 al 22 de abril de 2015

  11. Experimental study of BIPV(Building integrated photovoltaics) modules running as solar passive air heaters for the regeneration of a desiccant wheel

    2015 AEIT International Annual Conference, AEIT 2015

  12. Experimental study on the influence of the air maldistribution on the performance of a finned tube condenser

    Refrigeration Science and Technology

  13. Experiments on Natural Transition in Separation Bubbles

    Procedia IUTAM

  14. Gestión de riesgos en el sector de las energías renovables: Análisis comparativo y caso de estudio en la República Dominicana

    Comunicaciones presentadas al XIX Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: celebrado en Granada el 15, 16 y 17 de julio de 2015

  15. Heat and Mass transfer in Nanofluids Boundary Layers with focus on the Effects of the Nonlinear Terms in Equations

    International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity (NDC'2015)

  16. ME4bioFlow: la herramienta integral para el diagnóstico de las fosas nasales

    XXVI Congreso de la sociedad otorrinolaringológica andaluza

  17. Nonlinear Finite Element Method in Cable Marine Structures. Application on fishing cage

    Sixth International Workshop on Marine Technology, Martech 2015

  18. Nonlinear finite element analysis of mooring cables on marine structures

    VI International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, MARINE 2015

  19. Nueva herramienta para el estudio de la obstrucción nasal y predicción de los resultados quirúrgicos

    66 Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cérvico-Facial

  20. Numerical simulation of convective heat transfer in tube with wire coil inserts

    World Symposium on Mechatronics Engineering and Applied Physics