ETS de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos y de Ingeniería de Minas
Others (23) Publications in which a researcher has participated View referenced research data.
Type (aggr.)
Editorial: Territorial spatial evolution process and its ecological resilience
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Coastal Aquifer Management: Hydrological, Environmental, Economic and Social Challenges in the Context of Global Change
Water (Switzerland)
Contribution of Python-based BERT software for landslide monitoring using Electrical Resistivity Tomography datasets. A case study in Tghat-Fez (Morocco)
Data in Brief
Editorial for Special Issue: “Remote Sensing of Hydrological Processes: Modelling and Applications”
Remote Sensing
Editorial: Challenges in sustainable urban planning and territorial management for the XXI century
Frontiers in Environmental Science
Editorial: Interplay between climate change, land use change, and human health: opportunities and challenges
Frontiers in Earth Science
Closure to "experimental and Numerical Analysis of Two-Phase Flows in Plunge Pools" by J. M. Carrillo, L. G. Castillo, F. Marco, and J. T. García
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and geochemical analysis dataset to delimit subsurface affected areas by livestock pig slurry ponds
Data in Brief
Integrated Geophysical Methods for Shallow Aquifers Characterization and Modelling
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
PyNomo software dataset for sciences and engineering nomogram construction
Data in Brief
Proceedings from the International Congress on Project Management and Engineering
The Bellinge data set: Open data and models for community-wide urban drainage systems research
Earth System Science Data
Acknowledgement to reviewers of social sciences in 2019
Social Sciences
Correction: Torres, D. et al. leaching manganese nodules in an acid medium and room temperature comparing the use of different fe reducing agents. (Metals 2019, 9, 1316
Hydrological dataset of a sub-humid continental plain basin (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Data in Brief
SpringerBriefs in Mathematics
Discussion of "structural behavior of inferior-deck spatial arch bridges with imposed curvature" by marta sarmiento-comesías, Ana M. Ruiz-Teran, and Angel C. Aparicio
Journal of Bridge Engineering
VII Anuario de jóvenes investigadores
Anuario jóvenes investigadores
Exploring Innovative and Successful Applications of Soft Computing