Datos de investigación
Grupo: Transmisiones Avanzadas de Engranajes
6 datos de investigación referenciados
Datos de investigación referenciados por Transmisiones Avanzadas de Engranajes.
Dataset for the publication "Implementation of an exact completing method of generation for face-milled spiral bevel gears with uniform depth taper"
Dataset for the publication "Implementation of an exact completing method of generation for face-milled spiral bevel gears with uniform depth taper"
Dataset for the publication entitled "An exact system of generation for face-milled hypoid gears with uniform depth taper: application to hypoid gear drives with high gear ratio"
Dataset for the publication entitled "An exact system of generation for face-milled hypoid gears with uniform depth taper: application to hypoid gear drives with high gear ratio"
Data set for the publication entitled "An exact system of generation for face-hobbed hypoid gears: Application to high reduction hypoid gear drives"
Data set for the publication entitled "An exact system of generation for face-hobbed hypoid gears: Application to high reduction hypoid gear drives"