Application of response surface methodology for the optimization of welding parameters as a function of the resulting thermal distribution

  1. Martínez Conesa, Eusebio José
  2. Estrems Amestoy, Manuel
  3. Miguel Eguía, Valentín
  4. Garrido Hernández, Antonio
  5. Guillén Martínez, José Antonio
Selected Proceedings from the 13th International Congress on Project Engineering: Badajoz, July 2009

Editorial: Asociación Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO)

ISBN: 978-84-614-0185-7

Año de publicación: 2010

Páginas: 84-95

Congreso: Asociación española de ingenieria de proyectos. AEIPRO.International Congress on Project Engineering (13. 2009. null)

Tipo: Aportación congreso


One of the largest difficulties traditionally found in stainless steel constructions has been the execution of welding parts in them. Nowadays, the technology available permits the use of arc welding processes for that application with certain advantage. Response surface methodology is used to optimize a process in which the variables that take part in it are not related to each other by a mathematical law. Therefore, an empiric model must be formulated. With this methodology the optimization of one selected variable may be done. In the case of welding, it allows to determine the best operation conditions and to minimize the probability of the joint having defects. In this research, an optimization of TIG welding parameters is made as a function of temperature distribution in to the joint: current, voltage, arc efficiency and welding speed.