On Sufficient Conditions of Stability of the Permanent Rotations of a Heavy Triaxial Gyrostat
- M. Teresa de Bustos Muñoz 1
- Juan Luis García Guirao 2
- Juan Antonio Vera López 2
- Antonio Vigueras Campuzano 2
Universidad de Salamanca
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
ISSN: 1575-5460
Ano de publicación: 2015
Título do exemplar: Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics, HAMSYS-2014
Volume: 14
Número: 2
Páxinas: 265-280
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Qualitative theory of dynamical systems
In this work using as a main tool geometric–mechanics methods we study the permanent rotations of a particular type of heavy triaxial gyrostat. Also, we obtain sufficient conditions of stability of the permanent rotations found previously through the Energy–Casimir method.