Restitución gráfica de la arquitectura de la memoriapanteones del cementerio de Nuestra Señora de Los Remedios en Cartagena

  1. MUÑOZ MORA, María José
Nuevas técnicas, mismos fundamentos

Publisher: Rueda

ISBN: 978-84-7207-226-8

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 2

Pages: 443

Congress: Asociación de Profesores de Expresión Gráfica Aplicada a la Edificación (12. 2014. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


The architecture seems to have always lived towards life. However, life and death are two sides of the same coin: no city of the living without their Eusapia or city of the dead. Lewis Mumford said it in 1961: perhaps the cities, in origin, were no more than necropolis. The whole town is at least a set of architectures built in the cemetery, summoned eternity. Significantly, these architectures of the memory have been poorly drawn, even before the construction. Maybe some of these planes can maintain ideal cities, but little remains of the ‘forever homes’, often scale replicas of the architecture of the living, accusing its same aspiration. The present communication is to document graphically the architectural heritage of one of the most forgotten monumental cemeteries: Our Lady of Remedies in Cartagena. This cemetery has 29 monuments listed by the municipal planning without this decision comes flat or endorsed by any drawing (historical or current). This research is to reconstruct the planes (in its current state) of this memory architecture transiting sacred territories: the death. Because as said Loos in 1910, “there is only a part of the architecture belongs art: the tombs and the memorial”.