Un análisis de la administración local en Españade los fenómenos de dependencia espacial en el gasto de los ayuntamientos a la política de city marketing
- Martínez Ortiz, Pedro José
- Fernando Antonio López Hernández Doktorvater
- Juan Gabriel Cegarra Navarro Co-Doktorvater
Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Fecha de defensa: 16 von September von 2016
- Jesús Mur Lacambra Präsident/in
- Manuel Ruiz Marín Sekretär
- Beatriz Rodrigo Moya Vocal
Art: Dissertation
[ESP] En la presente investigación se ha realizado un profundo análisis de la administración local, poniendo de relieve los fundamentos de la gestión actual de la misma. Además, con base en el estudio de los fenómenos de dependencia espacial en el gasto de los ayuntamientos, se ha realizado una investigación cuantitativa y objetiva de dichos fenómenos para el periodo 2010-2012. Este tipo de estudio, utilizando una metodología SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression), se ha centrado, primero, en tres programas de gasto y, posteriormente, se ha ampliado a diez. Los resultados muestran amplia correlación entre las variables del modelo y presencia de mecanismos de dependencia espacial, tanto cooperativos como no cooperativos. Por otro lado, se ha realizado un análisis de la Administración Local mediante una investigación cuantitativa y subjetiva de la relación entre counter-knowledge y open-mindedness a través de políticas de city marketing. Se ha demostrado la relación indirecta del counter-knowledge sobre open-mindedness a través de programas de city marketing, existiendo una relación negativa cuando no se desarrollan dichas políticas. Por tanto, el conocimiento desestructurado se estructura mediante dichos programas. [ENG] The government of local administration, due to the degree of decentralization of Spanish public sector, requires a detailed study of the phenomena produced around its management. These phenomena are produced, from one hand, as a result of the general guidelines implemented by local managers and in the other hand as a result of the implementation of processes aimed to reach those strategic objectives. Municipalities are the greatest exponent of local administration due to its relevance in terms of demography and economics. This significance is based on the proximity to the citizens. It is for this reason that the processes managed by municipalities are checked with higher intensity. Thus, study and analyze the management of Spanish local administration and, in particular, the action of municipalities, acquires a great relevancy. Above and beyond that, in addition to make an approximation to the basic elements of public management, like established norms or mechanisms aimed to reach a number of management objectives, has a meaningful importance the analysis of the phenomena produced as a result of that management Municipalities are lattice of Spanish administration on which can be appreciated spontaneous phenomena, as a result of unilateral management strategies and pursued phenomena as a result of management strategies which consider the environment of the own municipalities. These latest phenomena have, ultimately, higher relevance, due to municipalities should have into account its context with the objective to reach its targets and provide public services agreed with citizens. In short, competence or collaboration between municipalities and the analysis of the environment where manage their activity, should be analyzed. With the theoretic and empirical study of those realities, is intended to confirm if there are spatial correlation phenomena on the expenditure in public services of Spanish municipalities for the period between 2010 and 2012. The confirmation of these phenomena together with the analysis of the environment of Spanish municipalities and their strategies on city marketing, could help to understand the management of Spanish local administration. The conjuction of both elements is aimed to show a more approximated insight of the main factors of the management of municipalities.