Recent progress and perspectives in microbial fuel cells for bioenergy generation and wastewater treatment

  1. Hernández-Fernández, F.J.
  2. Pérez De Los Ríos, A.
  3. Salar-García, M.J.
  4. Ortiz-Martínez, V.M.
  5. Lozano-Blanco, L.J.
  6. Godínez, C.
  7. Tomás-Alonso, F.
  8. Quesada-Medina, J.
Fuel Processing Technology

ISSN: 0378-3820

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 138

Pages: 284-297

Type: Review

DOI: 10.1016/J.FUPROC.2015.05.022 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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