Evolución del sector caprino en la Región de Murcia (1986-2000) y su caracterización productiva al final del milenio

  1. Vacas Fernández, Carlos
Supervised by:
  1. Adolfo Falagán Prieto Director
  2. Alberto José Quiles Sotillo Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 18 April 2007

  1. José Luis Sotillo Ramos Chair
  2. Antonio Rafael Ramírez de la Fe Secretary
  3. Fernando Crespo León Committee member
  4. Julio Boza López Committee member
  5. Luciano Sánchez García Committee member

Type: Thesis


This Report tries to study the evolution of the goat sector in the Region of Murcia since the incorporation of Spain in the EU determinating in what measures the received helps have affected the development of such sector and establishing the following goals: Census evolution: Study and evolution of the goat census in the Region of Murcia, either globally or specifically, studying such evolution in each region. Evolution of livestock farming .It is determined the different regional varieties in number and size of the flocks. Their knowledge helps to a real assessment of the sector evolution. Production evolution .It tries to study the different productions especially the main ones, milk and meat, both in a quantitative and qualitative way. Evolution that has been suffered by the census variations and size of livestock farming. Kid size evolution, milk production and quality. Portrayal of the goat exploitation in the Region of Murcia by means of an enquiry to livestock farmers which was based on the following points: structure of the exploitation, handling of the flock, reproduction, selection, kid production, production of milk, feeding, labour and sanitation.