Sistema de automatización y telecontrol mediante microcontroladores para la gestión del riego de cultivos en maceta con lisímetros de pesada

  1. L. Ruiz Peñalver 1
  2. D. Guerrero Arroniz 1
  3. A. Ruiz Canales 2
  4. M. Jiménez Buendía 1
  5. José Miguel Molina Martínez
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


  2. 2 Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

    Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

    Elche, España


VII Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias Hortícolas: innovar y producir para el futuro. Libro de actas
  1. Ayuga Téllez, Francisco (coord.)
  2. Masaguer Rodríguez, Alberto (coord.)
  3. Mariscal Sancho, Ignacio (coord.)
  4. Villarroel Robinson, Morris (coord.)
  5. Ruiz-Altisent, Margarita (coord.)
  6. Riquelme Ballesteros, Fernando (coord.)
  7. Correa Hernando, Eva Cristina (coord.)

Publisher: Fundación General de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

ISBN: 84-695-9055-3 978-84-695-9055-3

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 216-221

Congress: Congreso Ibérico de Agroingeniería y Ciencias Hortícolas (7. 2013. Madrid)

Type: Conference paper


Today, energy efficiency is the cornerstone for development in any engineering industry. More specifically in the Agro-engineering sector, the trend is to reduce water use in irrigation, because water is an increasingly scarce and its price is becoming increasingly high. As each type of plant is different and has specific needs and different energy consumption, we may not use the same irrigation process for all of them. Therefore, the objective of this work is the efficient management of the irrigation of any type of plant using a weighing lyisimeter designed with load cells, and the interpretation of the data collected from this device. The system consists of an external support that works like a balance or a weighing lysimeter on whose surface rest the plant. This triangular structure has three load cells at the ends whose function is to measure weight changes experienced by the plant along the entire irrigation process and a fourth cell for measuring the weight of lixiviated water. In order to collect accurate data of the weight of our plant, we have developed an electronic device capable of detecting and receiving the analog signals from the cells, which are sent to a controller that processes them through specific software developed for this task. After obtaining the data provided by our system, we can use them to determine the irrigation efficiency of our plantation and decide which changes or variations should be performed in the system in order to achieve optimum results.