Estudio y diseño de un sistema de control de inmersión para plataformas de sensores submarinas

  1. Morales-Aragón, Isabel Pilar 1
  2. Soto-Valles, Fulgencio 1
  3. González-Teruel, Juan Domingo 1
  4. Torres-Sánchez, Roque 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


XLII Jornadas de Automática: libro de actas, Castellón, 1 a 3 de septiembre de 2021

Publisher: Universitat Jaume I ; Servizo de Publicacións ; Universidade da Coruña ; Comité Español de Automática

ISBN: 978-84-9749-804-3

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 29-36

Congress: Jornadas de Automática (42. 2021. Castellón)

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


Sensor platforms are used as sources of information for certain specific environments. In the field of maritime and oceanographic systems, these platforms make it possible to sensorize certain properties of the water based on various variables, such as the oxygen level, the levels of turbidity, chlorophyll, salinity, etc. Due to the different stratifications that occur in this environment at different depths, it is necessary to perform the measurement at different depths. Therefore, this project will focus on the design of a control algorithm to manage the depth of an object with immersion capacity, thus allowing the submersible architecture to be stopped at a desired depth. The control system will be progressively analyzed, which will allow the depth to be managed depending on the position of the actuators. For this, different points will be addressed, such as the considerations and constructive characteristics of the model, the detailed study of the behavior of each of the main components of the system, as well as the response of the variables to be studied. In addition, said control system will be implemented in a microcontroller to provide the appropriate signals at each instant of time, thus allowing the actuators to introduce or dislodge a specific volume of water and, consequently, achieve an adequate and autonomous platform movement.