Bismuth oxide (Bi2O3) as a rechargeable and high stability positive electrode for alkaline zinc batteries

  1. F. Santos 1
  2. S. Lorca 1
  3. J. Abad 1
  4. J. P. Tafur 2
  5. A. Urbina 1
  6. A. J. Fernández Romero 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


  2. 2 Yachay Tech University. Ecuador
Recent progress on electrochemistry at the Iberian Peninsula: proceeding book of the XL Meeting of the Specialized Group of Electrochemistry of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry and the XX Iberian Meeting of Electrochemistry (Huelva, 9th to 12th July 2019)
  1. Mozo, J. D. (coord.)
  2. Mozo-Mulero, C. (coord.)

Editorial: Universidad de Huelva

ISBN: 978-84-18280-57-3

Año de publicación: 2020

Páginas: 61-64

Congreso: Iberian Meeting of Electrochemistry (20. 2019. Huelva)

Tipo: Aportación congreso