La mímesis como estrategia de identidad. Ampliación de una casa "manca" en el casco histórico de Jumilla

  1. Moreno Moreno, María Pura
  2. Cañadas Jiménez, Plácido
XXVII Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural Región de Murcia: 5, 19, 26 de octubre y 2 de noviembre de 2021
  1. Pedro-Enrique Collado Espejo (dir. congr.)
  2. Juan García Sandoval (dir. congr.)
  3. Ángel Iniesta Sanmartín (dir. congr.)

Publisher: Instituto de Patrimonio Histórico ; Gobierno de la Región de Murcia

ISBN: 978-84-7564-807-1

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 291-298

Congress: Jornadas de Patrimonio Cultural de la Región de Murcia (27. 2021. Cartagena)

Type: Conference paper


This paper will argue the contradictory decision to complete symmetrically a house, placed at the Artistic Historie Center of fumilla, which due to the configuration of its fafade and floor plan was called, in popular terms, as ''one·armed house". The objective will be to explain the interpretation made in its extension based on preserving the identity of the environment Jeaturing this type of ''porch house.s" with a wide central corridor around which the living rooms are articulated on both side.s. The decision to mimic the new with the prewexisting will be justified as an identity strategy and will be compared with contemporary language resources that remained in the pipeline and around which it is appropriate to speculate theories of rereading, reinterpretation or restoration