El desarrollo de programas de gestión del conocimientolas unidades de hospitalizacion a domicilio

  1. Cepeda Carrión, Gabriel A.
  2. Cegarra Navarro, Juan Gabriel
  3. Salmador Sánchez, María Paz
  4. Martínez Caro, Eva
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Gobierno y transferencia del conocimiento: El reto de la innovación

Issue: 378

Pages: 127-134

Type: Article

More publications in: Economía industrial


This paper analyses the knowledge management practices in the Hospital-in-the-Home Units (HHU) of three Spanish hospitals when they deliver hospital services to patients in their own homes. As a result, a model that presents the key factors to promote a more efficient knowledge transfer in HHU is developed. These factors are: (1) technology infrastructures; (2) people who take part and carry out the processes; (3) system that supports and rewards knowledge sharing and (4) the unit leader

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