Los modelos de excelencia como herramientas de gestión

  1. Gómez Gómez, Joaquín
  2. Martínez Costa, Micaela
  3. Martínez Lorente, Angel Rafael
Revista de contabilidad y dirección

ISSN: 1887-5696

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Excelencia empresarial: claves y buenas prácticas

Issue: 19

Pages: 29-49

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de contabilidad y dirección


Excellence Models, and particularly the EFQM model, have become an important management tool at an international level and are being used by many companies who consider them as a reference for self-evaluation and support for decision making processes. This exploratory research analyzes a key aspect for managers that use these excellence models as a management tool: the relationships among enablers and results.