Simulación numérica de la consolidación radial en ingeniería civil
- Gonzalo García Ros
- Pablo Ortiz García
- Iván Alhama Manteca 1
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
ISSN: 2386-3676
Year of publication: 2015
Volume: 8
Pages: 90-92
Type: Article
More publications in: Anuario de Jóvenes Investigadores
Consolidation is a phenomenon related to the dissipation of excess pore pressure when a soil is loaded. The loads, initially applied to the surface of the soil, will be finally supported by the soil skeleton, as time passes. In this work it is designed a network model for the numerical simulation of consolidation in radial coordinates, in a standard circuit simulation code. The proposed model includes the network of the volume element as well as the possibility of simulating soils with heterogeneous properties (multi-layered soils).