La integración de las Cajas de Ahorros en un Grupo Contractualmétodos cuantitativos para la evaluación de sinergias

  1. Lozano Gutiérrez, Mª Carmen 1
  2. Fuentes Martín, Federico 2
  1. 1 Departamento de Economía Financiera y ContabiUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagenalidad .
  2. 2 Departamento de Economía
Anales de ASEPUMA

ISSN: 2171-892X

Year of publication: 2010

Issue: 18

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales de ASEPUMA


The severity of the economic and financial crisis has hit at banks and saving-banks. The increase of bad debts and the delivery of real state as payment of loans determine the economic results of the credit entities. In the face of this situation there are two things to do: on the one hand, they need to be capitalized to assume losses as soon as possible and to strengthen their equity capital and, on the other hand, they still need to be more efficient to generate a bigger margin in order to support capitalization. Synergy is one of the most attractive and powerful reason when deciding about putting up a strategy on merger and acquisitions, but beforehand it is difficult to know when she will take place or to detect the factors which induce her emergence. The fact that in the emergence of synergies takes place an overlapping of what is measurable (services, equipment…) with what is not (brand image, information) and provided that in an atmosphere of uncertainty it is difficult to speak about occurrence probabilities but rather of possibilities, leads us to the idea that fuzzy subsets theory (perfectly adapted to both subjectivity and uncertainty) would be a very appropriate instrument when considering synergies. The present paper outlines an application from the theory of fuzzy subsets to the calculation of occurrence possibilities of a synergy coming from the brand image among saving banks going to a contractual agreement of cooperation: the SIP (protection institutional system).

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