Ventas y posadas en el sureste españolLa decadencia de una tipología arquitectónica

  1. Rosario Baños Oliver 1
  2. Francisco Segado Vázquez 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (España)
3c Tecnología: glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme

ISSN: 2254-4143

Argitalpen urtea: 2018

Alea: 7

Zenbakia: 3

Orrialdeak: 50-69

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.17993/3CTECNO.2018.V7N3E27.50-69/ DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: 3c Tecnología: glosas de innovación aplicadas a la pyme

Garapen Iraunkorreko Helburuak


Throughout the centuries, the existence of rest points that marked the roads that crossed Spain allowed the development of travel routes. Its inclusion in historical cartography and in geographical dictionaries, as well as the existence of specific legislation, reflects the importance of the years. They came to be distinguished as an architectural typology of their own, up to the point of view of a project and the examination proposal for access to the titles of architect or master of works in the different Academies of Fine Arts that emerged in Spain for the regulation of exercise of architecture. The roads are elements that are subordinated to the characteristics of this type of architecture, qualities that depend on their entertainment function and based on these establishments, becoming a characteristic image that distinguishes it from the rest. At present, although they are part of the history of communications and their value to be part of the Cultural Heritage and public works, these pieces are in disuse and many of them have disappeared or are in danger of to do it without having been documented what were its morphological, compositional, constructive aspects and its relations with the society of the moment.