Teaching-learning model for the science of electronics
- Juan Hinojosa 1
- Félix Lorenzo Martínez-Viviente 1
- Vicente Garcerán-Hernández 1
- Ramón Ruiz-Merino 1
- 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain)
ISSN: 2013-6374
Year of publication: 2020
Volume: 10
Issue: 1
Pages: 87-100
Type: Article
More publications in: JOTSE
We present a method for the teaching of Electronics, defined as the scientific discipline that studies the movement and behavior of electrons in semiconductor materials and in vacuum. Electronics can be considered as a science with a solid physical foundation. Within the field of Electronics there are different disciplines, some of them can be considered as pure science, and some others are more oriented to applications. Our methodology has been applied to the wide range of courses that develop the different approaches to Electronics, from the physics of semiconductors or the physics of microelectronic devices, generally taught at physics faculties, to microelectronic fabrication technology or microelectronic design, subjects that typically have a more application oriented character. To ensure an effective learning of these subjects, a teaching-learning model has been established. This model involves the criteria for developing the programs and defining objectives, as well as the development of a series of activities in which the methods, techniques, forms of presentation and didactic resources most useful to achieve the proposed objectives will be used, and an evaluation system that assesses the effectiveness of the educational process and detects its anomalies.
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