Análisis mediante SIG para seleccionar emplazamientos óptimos de huertos solares fotovoltaicos, caso de estudioNoroeste de la Región de Murcia

  1. Juan Miguel Sánchez Lozano 1
  2. Mª del Socorro García Cascales 2
  3. Mª Teresa Lamata Jiménez 3
  4. José Luis Roca González 1
  5. J. L. Meseguer Valdenebro 1
  1. 1 Centro Universitario de la Defensa de San Javier
  2. 2 Universidad Politécnica Cartagena
  3. 3 Universidad de Granada

    Universidad de Granada

    Granada, España


Proceedings from the 18th International Congress on Project Management and Engineering: (Alcañiz, July 2014)

Publisher: Asociación Española de Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO)

ISBN: 978-84-617-2742-1

Year of publication: 2014

Pages: 1621-1633

Congress: CIDIP. Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos (18. 2014. Alcañiz)

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


One of the first decisions that must be made when hosting a photovoltaic solar farms to pour the energy generated to the network is to choose a proper location (towns, existing infrastructure, etc) but also the legislative framework that is applicable since, it is involved a large number of both restrictions (protected areas, distances to streams and watercourses, etc) that will give us the guidelines to eliminate those unsuitable areas and certain criteria (proximity to power lines, slope, solar radiation, etc) according to which it will be made an evaluation of the suitable areas that condition any facility and, it is precisely for these reasons why the management of spatial visualization tools such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are particularly useful. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate how the aggregation of GIS to decision procedures in the field of renewable energy, can solve complex location problems. In the present case it will be appealed to the use of a GIS (called gvSIG) in order to obtain suitable locations to host photovoltaic solar farms in the Northwest of the Region of Murcia.