Study of the abrasion resistance of new epoxy (ER) – ionic liquid (IL) materials with self-healing ability

  1. Saurín Serrano, Noelia
  2. Sanes Molina, José
  3. Bermúdez Olivares, María Dolores
Proceedings of the VIII Iberian Conference on Tribology: Conference proceedings
  1. Jiménez Ballesta, Ana Eva
  2. Espinosa Rodríguez, Tulia
  3. Saurín Serrano, Noelia
  4. Arias Pardilla, Joaquín
  5. Bermúdez Olivares, María Dolores

Éditorial: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

ISBN: 978-84-606-8904-1

Année de publication: 2015

Pages: 263-268

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


In the present work, new epoxy resin (ER) – ionic liquid (IL) dispersions have been obtained and their abrasion resistance has been determined by multiple scratch tests. The IL was added in a range of concentrations between 7 and 12 wt. %.After the scratch tests, the viscoelastic recovery and healing ability of the damaged surface has been monitorized using optical and electronic microscopy and profilometry. The results are discussed on the basis of the curing procedure and are related to mechanical, thermal and dynamic-mechanical properties, and to surface porosity of the new dispersions.