Radioweb: Herramienta web para la realización de prácticas de asignaturas relacionadas con sistemas de radiocomunicaciones
- María Martínez Quint 1
- Francisco Alejandro Navarro Fuentes 1
- Ricardo Mármol González 1
- Concepción García Pardo 1
- Mayte Martínez-Inglés 1
- José Víctor Rodríguez Rodrígue 1
- Juan Pascual García 1
- José-María Molina-García-Pardo 1
- Leandro Juan Llácer 1
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Publisher: Cartagena, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, D.L. 2011
ISBN: 978-84-694-5332-2
Year of publication: 2011
Pages: 387-398
Congress: Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente del Campus de Excelencia Internacional "Mare Nostrum" (CIID) (1. 2011. Cartagena)
Type: Conference paper
The constant evolution of the wireless communication systems has involved the inclusion, in the syllabus oftechnical degrees, of subjects in which the planning of such systems is studied and analyzed −from a radioelectric pointof view− both at a theoretical level and at a practical level.The large number of radiocommunication systems (mobile phones, television and digital radio, wirelessnetworks, etc), each of them with its special features from a radioelectric point of view, has resulted in the need of theuse of computing tools based on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the planning of the above-mentionedradiocommunication systems, since the latter is a spatial issue (sites location, propagation environments) in whichplenty of descriptive information is also managed (site coordinates, equipment radioelectric parameters, radiantsystems, etc.).These tools work in local mode and, therefore, the GIS software that supports the developed application mustbe installed in each laboratory workstation in which the corresponding laboratory session is going to be performed. . Inthis work, the computing tool RADIOWEB, which is based on ArcGIS Server from ESRI, is presented. This toolpermits the performance of laboratory sessions related to radiocommunication systems planning via web and, in thissense, it can be applied in a teaching-learning context based on e-learning