Mediciones de caudal líquido y sólido en cuencas urbanas de zona serrana de Misiones
- Rodriguez, Tomas
- Sanchez, Juan 1
- 1 Laboratorio de Ingeniería Civil, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Oberá, Misiones, Argentina.
ISSN: 1514-2906, 2683-8168
Any de publicació: 2018
Número: 24
Pàgines: 37-50
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Cuadernos del CURIHAM
The lack of reliable and accurate data is one of the main obstacles to the correct application of appropriate technologies in modern urban drainage systems. In particular, the province of Misiones presents a marked deficit of hydro-environmental information of its internal water courses. Deficit that becomes more evident, in discretized information in subdaily time intervals such as those that are necessary in the modeling of urban headwaters basin. This work presents the application of a series of methodologies to register indicators of hydrosedimentological variables, in an urban basin of the city of Oberá, Misiones. The measurements are presented as unprecedented in the mountain region of Misiones, characterized by mountain topography of steep slopes, with fine soils of silt-clayey type and humid subtropical climate where intense precipitations develop. The measurements reached represent relatively wide ranges of records, which cover a significant range of values. With a total of 10 registered events, the total precipitation varied between 3 and 160 mm, the maximum flow rates between 7 and 69 m3/s and the maximum solids concentrations between 369 and 1602 PPM. The registered have been used at a later stage in the calibration of hydrological-hydraulic models, coupled to sediment production models by water erosion in rainfall events in urban basins of the mountain region of Misiones.
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