de lipoprotEstudio de subfracciones eínas de densidad intermedia (IDL) y muy baja (VLDL) y su relación con distintos factores de riesgo cardiovascular

  1. Calle Luna, Juan Gabriel
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Luis Martínez Hernández Director
  2. Maria Dolores Albaladejo Oton Director

Defence university: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 25 January 2016

  1. Stella Moreno Grau Chair
  2. Pedro Luis Tornel Osorio Secretary
  3. Ángel Gil Izquierdo Committee member

Type: Thesis


The first cause of death in our country is due to the so-called cardiovascular diseases. It is estimated that in 2030 will die about 23.3 million people due to cardiovascular diseases and is expected to remain the leading cause of death worldwide. The different lipoproteins subfractions were determined with Lipoprint system (Quantimetrix Corporation) in a population of 166 patients of a health centre in the Region of Murcia. We consider the objectives sketch out below: Objective 1: To assess Lipoprint method (Quantimetrix Corporation) for quantifying and separation by size of lipoprotein subfractions. Objective 2: Compare the concentrations and sizes of fractions lipoprotein in different groups of study with cardiovascular risk (CVR) and correlate them with classic markers of CVR. Objective 3: Rating the usefulness of the IDL and VLDL lipoproteins concentration and size to classify patients with different CVR. The following conclusions were obtained: Conclusion 1: The average LDL particle diameter values are lower in men front women suggesting a small and dense LDL particles prevalence and a greater CVR associated. The average LDL particle diameter is positively correlated with triglycerides and Apo B levels and negatively with HDL cholesterol levels. Determination of lipoproteins subfractions with Lipoprint system is suitable for use in routine clinical practice. Conclusion 2: Obesity, type 1 diabetes and arterial hypertension presence are not associated with any particular lipid profile. Type 2 diabetes presents a positive and independent of the presence of other clinical situations association with VLDL cholesterol levels, the average IDL particle diameter and CVR. The metabolic syndrome presence in the population is associated with increased VLDL cholesterol levels. Conclusion 3: The average IDL particle diameter has proved useful in screening CVR, according to SCORE risk tables, using the cut-off point of 309 Å with a NPV from 78.8%. In addition this NPV increases up to 84.6% in metabolic syndrome absent people. The average IDL particle diameter has proved useful in screening CVR, according to Framingham risk tables, using the cut-off point of 310 Å with a NPV of 87.7%. In addition, this NPV increases to 89.6% in metabolic syndrome absent people.