A Low-Cost Robust Configuration for the Temperature Monitoringwithin the Payload of any Microwave Oven with a Rotating Turntable
- José Fayos-Fernández 1
- Juan David Reverte-Ors
- Juan Monzó-Cabrera 1
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
ISSN: 1361-8598
Ano de publicación: 2020
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: AMPERE Newsletter
Obxectivos de Desenvolvemento Sustentable
This contribution aims to be a reference to help researchers build up their own microwave heating systemsfor monitoring the temperature evolution of a payload with almost endlessly (limited by the batteries capacity of themeasuring system) rotational movements. Its robustness is because it allows keeping sensors in place thus avoiding thefiber optics wringing/twisting while the payload is rotating. The proposed system facilitates the rotation of thetemperature equipment located over the microwave oven synchronously with the payload, while its data is transferredin real time by an RF transmitter/receiver device connected to its serial data port. The fiber optic sensors deployed fromthe temperature equipment ports to the measuring points are arranged with the rotation axis through a hollowed shaftto minimize mechanical stresses. The equipment operation, its configuration, and the data transmissions are controlledwirelessly by a laptop computer. The prototype presented in this paper was implemented for a total budget amount of6500€.