La integración de la prevención de riesgos laborales en universidad pública de la Región de Murcia

  1. Martínez García, Antonio José
  1. Francisco Antonio González Díaz Zuzendaria
  2. Alberto Manuel Torres Cantero Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Murcia

Fecha de defensa: 2022(e)ko abendua-(a)k 02

  1. Stella Moreno Grau Presidentea
  2. Mariano Meseguer de Pedro Idazkaria
  3. Luis Negral Kidea

Mota: Tesia


The objective of this work is to identify and assess the risk of the tasks that are carried out in the Dissection Room of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Murcia and once we have the conclusive data of exposure on the risks, act preventively. , proposing the implementation of a series of preventive measures with the aim that exposure to existing risks is controlled before dangerous situations can arise, with the aim of controlling those situations likely to generate health damage for the aforementioned group. It is appropriate to carry out a Diagnosis of the Situation, which, in principle, taking into account the definition of exposure to a chemical substance. Therefore, the level of exposure that exists must be known through objective methods. Said level of exposure will determine the assessment of the existing risk in the tasks carried out in the facilities where the chemical substance is present with an acceptable level of uncertainty. For this reason, it is necessary to establish a strategy for the evaluation of the risks derived from exposure by inhalation, let us remember that the professional exposure limits published by the National Institute of Safety and Health at Work refer to this route of access to the organism(155 ) of a dangerous chemical agent and must include the measurement of the concentrations of the agent or substance in the breathing zone of the users of the Dissection Room, as well as its comparison with the environmental limit value defined in the exposure limits for hazardous chemical substances (SQP). The University carries out a very wide series of activities, aimed at the higher education of the population, for this as its main activity, it carries out regulated training activities on the one hand and research on the other, all of them aimed at generating knowledge, all of them being relevant for preventive action. The Occupational Risk Prevention legislation is fully applicable in the university environment described in the previous paragraph. The University of Murcia assumes preventive activity by setting up its own Prevention Service, incorporating the four preventive specialties; Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology and Occupational Medicine. The initial risk assessment made 2,662 observations, including 8 specific studies on chemical contaminants, 5 of which were carcinogenic agents at work. Regulatory dangerous activities are carried out due to exposure to carcinogenic chemical agents in the Dissection Room of the Faculty of Medicine for the conservation of anatomical samples. The levels of exposure to formaldehyde contained in the preservative mixture used in the Dissection Room were above the INSST's Admissible Limit Values for Professional Exposure Limits. With the preventive measures introduced after the intervention of the University Prevention Service, the degree of exposure of workers, teachers and students has been reduced to permissible limits. The change in concentration made in the preservative mixture has considerably reduced the amount of formaldehyde vapors present in the work environment. The implementation of a series of work protocols, from the reception of the corpses, through their perfusion and preparation as anatomical samples, has reduced exposure to formaldehyde vapours. Periodic controls of the working conditions must be carried out to guarantee that the exposure is maintained within the tolerability values, following the indications of periodicity of measurements of the UNE-EN 689 Standard. The own resources available to the Own Prevention Service are currently insufficient to cover the needs. It is necessary to resort to coordinating certain activities with external prevention services to make up for the lack of own means. The University needs to ensure the adequacy of the means of the Prevention Service as specified in article 7 of "Real Decreto 67/2010 of application of the Law on Prevention of Occupational Risks to the General Administration of the State".