Aportaciones a la estabilidad de plantas marinas de generación eléctrica, con volantes de inercia

  1. Herrero Sabat, Antonio
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Jaime Rodrigo de Larrucea Doktorvater/Doktormutter
  2. Ricard Bosch Tous Co-Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

Fecha de defensa: 17 von April von 2023

  1. José Andrés Somolinos Sánchez Präsident/in
  2. Inmaculada Ortigosa Vocal
  3. Carlos Arsenio Mascaraque Ramírez Vocal

Art: Dissertation


The falls of electrical generation plants on board or Power Blackouts, put in check the safety of the crew, the ships and the environment. Induction motors with a significant power in kW in relation to the kVA of the alternator, such as transverse bow motors, cause deep voltage dips in direct start or even in some star-delta start episodes that destabilize the plants. of electricity generation, leading in some cases to a Power Blackout. To understand the importance and severity of the damage caused by these Power Blackouts, the CIAIM (Commission for the Investigation of Maritime Accidents and Incidents) source was used, finding various cases of officially registered power generation plant failures, some with negative results. of serious damage to people, such as that of the "Tamasite Volcano" in 2017, when leaving the port with 140 injured and significant damage to the dock and to the ship itself. For the study of power plant failures and their possible solutions, a replica on a plant scale is built in the laboratories of the Department of Electrical Engineering (DEE) of the Escuela Tècnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de Barcelona (ETSEIB/UPC). power plant with several generator sets, feeding empty start-ups of induction electric motors, whose starts are considered the most severe transients on board, allowing to replicate real-scale situations of power plant failure (thermal engine stall) or Power Blackout. In addition, a system (ACEE) "Kinetic accumulator of electrical energy" is designed and built, consisting of an induction motor III, 9 kW, 400 V, 50 Hz, with a 40 kg flywheel, rotating at 1,500 rpm. and that generates 7.4 kJ of accumulated energy. This kinetic accumulator has electronic regulation, is regenerative and programmable. Its contribution is both active power, as a discharge of the kinetic energy accumulated in its flywheel, and reactive power, from the capacitors of the frequency converters themselves (VSD) and the capacitor that the system carries. Its ratio is electronically adjustable. Situations and ways to avoid plant falls are studied, making the kinetic accumulator system of electrical energy, (ACEE) built, resulting suitable for the referred experimentation. The conclusions reached by this thesis to adequately solve this problem are: 1. Oversize the alternators of the Diesel-Alternator sets, whose power factor is traditionally 1 or 0.8, in such a way that it can permanently supply loads with cos ¿= 0.5 or less in the case of ships with propulsion electrical. In the limit case of electronic speed regulation of electric drives, with dynamic positioning, generating sets capable of feeding loads at cos ¿= 0.2 may become necessary. 2. Installation of kinetic accumulators of electrical energy (ACEE). The alternative solution that is proposed is the assembly of kinetic accumulators of electrical energy (ACEE).