Hardware optimization of a micro-positioning system based on artificial vision
Any de publicació: 2019
Tipus: Aportació congrés
As part of the manufacturing processes, the study of micropositioning systems plays a key role inprecision industrial fabrication in sector such as electronics, defence or aerospace. These processesare in constant research and development since their need in the manufacturing industry isincreasingly important. As technology progresses, new and more sophisticated micromachiningsystems are developed. While accuracy is no longer a limiting factor, cost, both maintenance andpurchase price, continue to hold back many companies. With this in mind, this work presents animprovement of a precise micrometric positioning system of very low cost. The mechanicalmodifications has been implemented in a micromachine prototype in which its operation has beenimproved by means of a structural modification including a third degree of freedom for positioningthe laser used as an end-effector. The improvements achieved by this modification include areduction in the positioning accuracy and in the repeatability.