Wind and water erosion control methods used in the Burgos basin, Tamaulipas, Mexico

  1. J. C. A. Escobedo Conde 2
  2. E. Andrade Limas 2
  3. P. Rivera Ortiz 2
  4. F. de la Garza Requena 2
  5. B. Castro Meza 2
  6. M. Espinosa Ramírez 3
  7. F. Belmonte Serrato 4
  8. G. García Fernández 1
  9. A. Romero Díaz 4
  10. J.D. Ruíz Sinoga 5
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


  2. 2 Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas

    Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas

    Cd. Victoria, México


  3. 3 Universidad de Murcia

    Universidad de Murcia

    Murcia, España


  4. 4 Campo Experimental Río Bravo (CIRNE-INIFAP)
  5. 5 Universidad de Málaga

    Universidad de Málaga

    Málaga, España


7th International Symposium AgroEnviron2010: Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Management Systems in an Ever Changing World

Publisher: AgroEnviron

Year of publication: 2010

Type: Conference Poster


The Zone the II of the Cuenca of Burgos in the municipality of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, presents areas with erosion of the soil produced, principally, by the run-offs and the agricultural practices realized in this region. Up to the date, the studies that have been done in this zone of the Cuenca of Burgos on erosion are scanty, but important if there wants to be implemented actions of prevention and restoration of soil, since the loss of this resource for water effect of run-off is significant. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of filtering dams in the recovery and conservation of the soil of the zone the II of the Cuenca of Burgos. There were selected representative areas of the zone that register losses of soil for run-off, dikes or filtering dams being placed for the retention and conservation of the same one. The volume of the retained soil and the wedge of sediments deposited after the dam were evaluated. The filtering dams are elaborated by branches and supported by a mesh; they were located by a separation of 100 meters between them. Upstream from every filtering dam there were placed nails of 50 cm buried to 20 cm, which leaves 30 centimeters of height on the surface of the soil, separated to a distance of 50 cm. After every erosive event the height of the rods were measured, to calculate the loss or profit of sediments in the evaluated zones. The calculation of the sediments retained in the dams is done measuring the surface of the wedge of sediments of each one and the section of the riverbed in the place where the dam has been placed, estimating the volume with the formula of the pyramid of trapezoidal base, delimited by the surface of the sediments on the dam, the depth, the height and the length of the sediments (Hernández Laguna et al., 2004). In agreement with the obtained information, the total length of the gullies was 121.67 m, the volume was of soil that has been removed fitted to 147.78, m3. The construction of dams with mesh and branches is an option in the restoration of soils, where the gully presents minor depths of a meter.