Estrategias de conservación preventiva para el BIC del sitio históricode la sierra minera de Cartagena–La Unión
- FRanCisCO A. FERnánDEz AntOLinOs
- JOsé IgnaCiO MantECa MaRtínEz
- JOsé ManuEL ChaCón BuLnEs
- Ricardo Montes (coord.)
- Antonio J. Zapata (coord.)
Publisher: Asociación Cultural Qutiyyyas ; Asociación LAEC. La Ecocultural. Los Alcázares ; Ayuntamiento de La Unión
ISBN: 978-84-126774-7-8
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 577-588
Congress: Congreso Sierra Minera (1. 2023. null)
Type: Conference paper
The Sierra Minera Foundation has done an extensive study for the Insti- tute of Cultural Heritage of Spain, whose objective is to define preventive conser- vation strategies for the BIC of the “Sierra Minera de Cartagena - La Unión”, and its elements, to allow revert the trajectory of deterioration, plundering, and heritage loss, accelerated in recent decades. The conclusion of the study is six strategies for the conservation of this BIC, with intervention proposals in the 14 defined mining complexes, detailed in each of the 328 elements evaluated, with an estimated global cost of € 8,862,790. These strategies are complemented by four others to articulate the participation of all the stakeholders involved and to be able to define a multi- year conservation plan