Experimental convective heat transfer coefficient measurements in oscillatory-flow baffled tubes
Year of publication: 2017
Type: Conference paper
Oscillatory baffled reactors (OBRs) are a novel type of continuous reactor oriented to the promotion of mixing and heat and mass transport, where an oscillatory motion is applied to the flow through a tube with equally spaced baffles. Since its conception, at the beginning of the nineties, many studies have focused on the analysis of their heat transfer performance (Mackley and Stonestreet, 1995), energy dissipation (Baird and Stonestreet, 1995), scale-up and applications; but several aspects related to their thermal-hydraulic performance are still not clear. In particular, the information available in the open literature about heat transfer is scant. In this work, we will report the results of an extensive experimental campaign with the aim of deducing the role of some important parameters, e.g. the amplitude and the Prandtl number.