Analysis of candidate genes involved in flowering date in sweet cherry (Prunus avium)
- Sophie Castède
- José Antonio Campoy
- Loïck Le Dantec
- José Quero-Garcia
- Bénédicte Wenden
- Teresa Barreneche
- Elisabeth Dirlewanger
Año de publicación: 2014
Tipo: Póster de Congreso
In sweet cherry, flowering process is controlled by specific chill and heat requirements. In the context of global climate change, the knowledge of the genetic determinism of flowering is necessary to develop new cultivars that are able to face the challenges associated with an increase of temperature. Two intraspecific F1 mapping progenies, ‘Regina’ × ‘Lapins’ (R×L, 124individuals) and ‘Regina’ × ‘Garnet’ (R×G, 117 individuals), were genotyped and used in the detection of quantitative trait locus (QTL) involved in flowering process. Using a candidate gene approach, a list of one hundred functional candidate genes was established according to those found in other plant species. Cherry gene homologues were identified using the sweet cherry‘Regina’ transcriptome database developed in our lab. Polymorphism between parents was analysed and candidate genes were mapped in the two progenies. The expression of the most promising candidate genes, located in QTL regions for flowering date, were analysed using qRT-PCR on reproductive buds at different stages during dormancy progression.