Autism and architecture

  1. Vázquez, Francisco Segado 1
  2. Torres, Alejandra Segado
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo)

ISSN: 1806-938X

Année de publication: 2013

Volumen: 40

Número: 2

Pages: 85-85

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1590/S0101-60832013000200009 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

D'autres publications dans: Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo)

Objectifs de Développement Durable


It has been proven that existing research regarding the relationship between Architectural Space and people with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is scarce, despite extensive research being carried out in recent years into Autism. Many definitions of “architecture” have been put forward throughout history, all of them coinciding in the fact that its main objective or purpose is “dwelling”. Norberg Shultz (1980) states that, in order to research and under-stand an architectural space, it is necessary to understand existential space, that is, the concept of space that allows man to create a stable image of what surrounds him, at the same time allowing him and enabling him to belong to a society and culture. Heiddeger (2001) concluded his conference “Building, Dwell-ing, inking” with the appeal “build out of dwelling and think for the sake of dwelling”, thus making the objective of architecture clear. is fundamental objective is a consciously underlying notion for the architect. e fact that the built environment is a space to be lived in, inhabited, is an essential condition in order for architecture to exist. is search for a “lived-in, inhabited space” carries with it the fact that architecture is brought to life taking into account the existence of people with varying degrees of disability (mainly visual, hearing and motor impairments); allowing the architect to create designs and projects convincingly, creating spaces that can be lived in without architectural barriers.However, today, other disabilities are obviated in this process of making the built environment “accessible”. Dianne Smith (2009) claims as such when referring to people with certain cognitive, sensorial deciencies etc.; disabilities which we determine to be “less visible”. Among these we can nd people with autism, for whom the supposition regarding how spaces are to be perceived and inhabited is far from the truth, and who, due to their decits, sometimes have to make an enormous eort to be able to assimilate and understand the environment surrounding them, provoking a “blockage” as far as the composition of the environment is concerned, which in turn leads to a state of crisis. erefore, the architectural environment is a factor which directly aects those individuals with “less visible” deciencies, as the architect John Jenkins conrms (Humphreys, 2008, p. 41).We shall briey present some of the aspects of people suering from ASD, for whom a solution can be found using architectural design mechanisms. e essential characteristics of autistic spectrum are reected in the extreme diculty when changing activity, including simply Address correspondence to: Francisco Segado Vázquez. Dr. Arquitecto. Escuela de Arquitectura. Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena. Paseo de Alfonso XIII, 50 – 30203 – Cartagena, España.moving from one space to another. e inability to “imagine” and create a mental image of what might be at the other side of a door is enough to trigger a panic attack. e architect solves this problem by “anticipating” the activities to be carried out, responding to this inability to create a mental image by designing a clear structure and adding elements that provide the built element with a certain level of order and unity, resulting in a building which is easy to read, predictable and even “imaginable”