"Región of Murcia" Aerobiological Network REaReMur. Preliminary data
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Année de publication: 2013
Type: Poster dans une Conférence
Aerobiological studies in our region began in Cartagena during the 80´s of last century. Was in the year 1993 when a Hirst sampler was installed in Cartagena. We had to wait until the year 2009 to have a second sampler installed in the city of Murcia, and soon followed a third one in the city of Lorca in the year 2010. According to this chronology, we have data from the 3 samplers for the years 2011 and 2012. In this presentation we will depict those data sets, describing briefly the remarkable aspects of each sampling station, going to the similarities among the three bioaerosols, to finally describe the distinctive features of each city. The first distinctive feature is the significance differences among the total pollen counts found in Cartagena from those of Lorca and Murcia. While in Cartagena for years 2011 and 2012 the total pollen counts (Pollen Index, PI) are 18142 and 16964 grains/m3 respectively, in Murcia were 38324 and 28092 grains/m3, and for Lorca 38025 and 28047 grains/m3. The figures show a decrease in the PI for year 2012 in the three sampling points. Again Cartagena showed the lower readings but proportionally the reduction was less marked. Seventy pollen types have been identified in the Region of Murcia. Thirteen out of seventy are considered mayor pollen types, because at least in one of the stations the PI are higher than 500 grains/m3, Cupressaceae, Olea, Casuarina, Artemisia, Quercus, Pinus, Chenopodiaceae-Amaranthaceae, Platanus, Urticaceae, Poaceae, Arecaceae, Morus and Zygophyllum. We will considered minor types those whose PI are between 50 and 500 grains/m3 in any of the stations, Plantago, Schinus, Myrtaceae, Betula, Ulmus, Asteraceae tubiliflorae, Brassicaceae, Populus, Rumex, Acer, Theligonaceae, Tamarix, Typha y Apiaceae. And scarce those that do not reach 50 grains/m3 in any of the stations, Mercurialis, Cyperaceae, Alnus, Fraxinus, Sideritis, Salix, Ligustrum, Ericaceae, Ricinus, Ligulifloras, Thymelaea, Efedra, Cucurbitaceae, Echium, Juglans, Cannabis, etc.