Characteristics Performance of a Polarized MIMO Dipole in an Indoor Environment at 5.2 GH
- John Danson Muhehe
- Lavi Michael Muia
- Wilson Ogol
- José María Molina García-Pardo 1
- Andrés Garrido Cervantes 1
- Concepción García Pardo 1
- Leandro Juan Llácer 1
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
ISSN: 2077-1142
Year of publication: 2014
Volume: 3
Issue: 2
Pages: 61-68
Type: Article
More publications in: Asian Journal of Engineering, Sciences & Technology
In this paper, a 4x4 half-wavelength open Dipole multi-input multi-output (MIMO) measurements campaign at a frequency of 5.2 GHz is presented. Channel transfer function of the system is measured within 400MHz for different antenna polarization and displacement. Channel capacity, Correlation Coefficient, Ricean K-factor, as well as the channel delay spread are investigated in order to estimate the performance of a real MIMO dipole in an indoor environment. It is observed that with a fixed SNR, the capacities of VV and HV configuration increases with distance whereas HH and VH decreases with distance.Furthermore, it was realized that a set of Dipole elements is more efficient in the LOS as opposed to the NLOS.