Estudio estadístico de los indicadores de calidad en los títulos de edificación de la UPCT
ISSN: 2530-7940
Year of publication: 2020
Issue Title: septiembre - diciembre
Volume: 4
Issue: 3
Pages: 65-89
Type: Article
More publications in: Advances in Building Education
The work presented has consisted of an analysis of the UPCT quality indicator data using simple statistical tools, accompanied by a bibliographic review of numerous publications on satisfaction surveys and workload. The data of the degrees in Architecture and Building of the UPCT during the academic year 2017-2018 have been used and, to contextualize the results, also those of the whole of that University and its comparison with twor previous courses. The objective has been to know the relationship between the available variables, their temporal evolution and the possible differences by course, type of subject, levels, etc., in order to improve the information management processes of the UPCT. The results obtained are discussed, including the nonexistence of biases in the satisfaction surveys and the possible implications of high workloads in certain subjects.
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