Instrumentos para la documentación del patrimonio arquitectónicoinventario y catálogo

  1. David Navarro-Moreno
II Simposio de Patrimonio Cultural ICOMOS España
  1. Hernández Navarro, Yolanda (dir. congr.)

Editorial: edUPV, Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València ; Universitat Politècnica de València

ISBN: 978-84-1396-045-6

Ano de publicación: 2023

Páxinas: 399-406

Congreso: II Simposio de Patrimonio Cultural ICOMOS España (2. 2023. Valencia)

Tipo: Achega congreso


The identification, documentation and study of culturally significant buildings is an essential prerequisitefor their preservation. Only through their documentation it is possible to know their significance andcultural value, that is, to have the scientific-cultural certainty of these buildings. Likewise, this principleof knowledge constitutes the necessary basis for any subsequent action aimed at their protection,conservation and value enhancement. Documentation therefore represents the basic task for architecturalheritage cultural management, both from an administrative point of view, and in terms of its conservationand value enhancement. But, what criteria should guide this work? What tools should be used? Whenshould it be carried out? And, with what degree of definition? The aim of this work is therefore to answerthese questions by reflecting on the main texts produced by international organisations, the legalprovisions adopted in Italy, a country of reference, and the proposals put forward by various specialistsin the field