Experimental flow pattern and friction factor of oscillatory flows in a baffled tube
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Year of publication: 2022
Type: Conference paper
Experimental results of flow pattern in a circular-orifice baffled tube under pure oscillatory flowconditions are presented, using the hydrogen bubble visualization technique. The existence of acentral jet and the cyclic dispersion of vortices upstream and downstream of the baffles is analyzed.Pressure drop experiments are conducted in a hydraulic test-rig using four different fast timeresponse pressure transducers, covering different fluid viscosities (propylene glycol-water mixtures)and oscillating amplitudes. The results are analyzed in the proper dimensionless form by means ofthe oscillatory Fanning friction factor, which provides consistent results for the different workingfluids and operational conditions for 10 < Reosc < 1000.