Solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems: options and feasibility of EU Ecolabel and Green Public Procurement criteria, Preliminary report

  1. DODD, Nicholas
  2. ESPINOSA, MARTINEZ Maria De Las Nieves
Joint Research Centre Publications Repository

ISSN: 1831-9424

ISBN: 978-92-76-26819-2

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Mota: Txosten

DOI: 10.2760/29743 GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Joint Research Centre Publications Repository


This publication compiles the work carried out by the JRC B5 unit ‘Industrial leadership and circular economy’ for DG GROW on the product group 'solar photovoltaic panels, inverters and systems'. The aim of the work was to assess the feasibility of the application to this product group of two voluntary policy instruments: EU Ecolabel and Green Public Procurement (GPP). It is a complementary work of the Preparatory studyA comprehensive analysis of the three photovoltaic products was carried out using the MEErP (Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy related Products) methodology, with the aim to develop a research evidence base to feed into decision making on the aforementioned policy instruments. This evidence base contains information on the environmental, user-related, technical and economic characteristics of the product group.The conclusions from the Preparatory study are that there is momentum to implement Ecodesign and Energy Label regulations on this product group, as there is a need to foster photovoltaic products in the EU markets with higher efficiency, with a better use of materials in the so called circular economy. Moreover, that the combination of mandatory and voluntary tools are the scenarios that could achieve the most benefits in terms of energy yield and energy requirements compared to the business as usual scenario. As such this report gives policy recommendations to be used in the formulation of these policy instruments, The formulation of the recommendations is then presented in the last chapter, under the form of EU Ecolabel and GPP potential criteria.