Mitigación del ruido del tráfico con tapas difractoras sobre barreras acústicas para un rango de frecuencia extendido
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
Publisher: Universidad de Málaga
Year of publication: 2020
Type: Conference paper
The key goal of noise barriers is to protect residential areas from annoying noise caused by road traffic. In order to improve the performance of noise barriers while aesthetics of the surroundings is kept, the coupling of additional elements of different shapes or 'caps' to the top of barriers can be a suitable tool to increase the global insertion losses. In this work, an extensive study of the performance of single and double caps of different shapes attached on top of conventional barriers is accomplished by computing their insertion losses through a uniform theory of diffraction (UTD)-based formulation. Moreover, this study is performed for an extended frequency band of up to 10kHz, which, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, has not previously been studied. The results show that the Y shaped single and double barrier caps are, in general, the most effective at increasing acoustic losses for noise mitigation.