Statistical study of quality indicators in building degrees of the UPCT

  1. Gemma Vázquez Arenas 1
  2. Josefina García León 1
  3. Antonio García Martín 1
  4. Teresa Montero Cases 1
  1. 1 Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena

    Cartagena, España


IV International Conference of Educational Innovation in Building

Publisher: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Year of publication: 2020

Type: Conference paper

Sustainable development goals


Management of college degrees requires that data from several academic variables be collected, sorted and analysed, those variables are quality indicators. The information obtained, is part of the quality assurance systems, the internal and external monitoring evaluation processes of university degrees and the teaching evaluation models, among others [1]. Academic leaders use the analysis of the values obtained and their evolution, for the realization of improvement actions and allowing them to study the adequacy of these actions and their results.Among data collected at the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), which is managed by the Office of Data Prospecting and Analysis (OPADA),are satisfaction surveys of student evaluation of teaching, which value different aspects with 11 items. The UPCT also quantifies the perceived workload of students, through an ad hoc survey with the aim of improving horizontal coordination [2]. The OPADA database also includes the academic results of all subjects (filing rates, success and performance, medium rating, etc.), information about subjects (matriculated students, typology, etc.), and the characteristics of the teaching staff.